Saturday, February 9, 2019

 Wrongful Foreclosure Lawsuit Update: We have 4 clients who filed the wrongful foreclosure lawsuit against the lender. In two of the cases the defendants have been served. We also have a group of new people getting in position to file the wrongful foreclosure lawsuit, (document number 5 on our website). Filing the wrongful foreclosure lawsuit trumps their State Court, nonsense and puts you in control. My lawsuit address the issue of the missing accounting entries, and other predatory lending violations.
Have you ever wondered why the bank did not file in the court record the accounting entries of the alleged loan, or how much you paid down on the mortgage? The bank never wants to discuss the accounting of the alleged loan, the interest rate they been charging you or how much the real alleged loan was for. The bank knows in order to account for the money trail they would have to start at the gate, the beginning of the alleged loan, and they can’t do that because of the fraud. Think about it, if you were ripped off at signing the alleged missed payments are irrelevant. My lawsuit addresses the missing accounting entries, and other predatory lending violations. Our demand for discovery will request all of the banks accounting records we have listed in our lawsuit. The accounting in the documents will verify the true nature of the alleged loan. This accounting information should have already been filed in the State foreclosure case to verify a loan was made. Attorney don’t teach people these things because they would get in trouble if they challenged the bank.  I’m not an attorney, and never want to be. My goal is to provide an affordable Paralegal Service, to help Americans who live from pay check to paycheck, and the 80% of Americans who cannot afford attorneys, and are willing to defend their property them self’s.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

As a foreclosure defense specialist paralegal we are hit with many questions about the foreclosure process. One of the questions most homeowners ask is, why is it the lender is not interested in helping them stay in their home, or helping them sale the house at fair market value to the buyer the homeowner brings to the table? The answer is because at the beginning of the mortgage process the lender took out insurance on the mortgage loan, so after the home is sold at the foreclosure auction the lender will cash in on the insurance policy, and get paid the full amount of the mortgage. The proceeds from the sale of the home is icing on the cake for the lender. Wait it gets worse, about half of the States have a deficiency judgment statute. This means the attorneys can garnish your bank account and or wages for the remaining balance after they sale your home for less than the mortgage value.