Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Asha Spaulding's Unlawful Civil Asset Forfeiture was Filed Against Her Bank Account And Her Money Was Seized Without Due Process

Nobody is willing to step up and accept responsibility for the unlawful seizure of Asha Spaulding’s bank account from the Geo Vista Credit Union. It would appear the conspirators who participated in the embezzlement of Spaulding’s bank account have decided to bury their heads in the sand, in hopes that Spaulding, will give up her quest for justice and accept their injuries caused by the theft of her bank account.
The attorney for the city of Statesboro Georgia, responded to Asha Spaulding's, request for a copy of the "Return of Service" to verify that she was served, and he was confused as to if those requested records should be exempt from a freedom of information act request. His response was silly, the requested documentation should be filed in Spaulding's civil asset forfeiture case already, and it should be a matter of public record.
The letter from the Statesboro’s attorney did not have a copy of the return of service in it because Spaulding was not served. The staff here at Advocates for Justice, have been investigating this case for quite some time now and we searched both data bases the State of Georgia, uses to store the notice of publication, and we were unable to come up with any evidence to support that the State of Georgia actually publicized any forfeiture notice as pertains to Spaulding’s Assets that were illegally seized.
The 2nd document that was mailed to Spaulding from the Statesboro city hall appears to be the Police officer's investigation report, which was not filed in the state case, and the top right hand corner of the page it will show the page numbers are not in sequence. It would appear the pages were randomly selected printed off and mailed to Spaulding, to quince her thirst and get her to sit quietly and forget about the money that was unlawfully taken from her bank account. See Spaulding's, Georgia State Civil Forfeiture file: Spauldings pdf Citys response file 4-18-16
It would appear the government was planning to avoid transparency and reporting the income to the IRS, by not following the new Georgia Asset Forfeiture laws, and the laws that require the process of service before property can be seized. Due process is violated when the court allows the forfeiture of property without proof of service.
Word is officers of the court in Statesboro, have made derogatory comments about Black American’s, alleged lower level of “sophistication,”  could this racist attitude be the driving factor behind in injustice Spaulding, has suffered because the State of Georgia, unlawfully seized her bank account without due process.
The court has ignored the documents that Spaulding, has filed on the record and has failed to call for an investigation. Spaulding, is filing her motion for emergency hearing on her restraining order, and she is filing a motion to Disqualify Judge John Turner, from her civil action, he is unfit to rule in this case, because Judge Turner, was the decision maker in the Asset Forfeiture case that violated Spaulding's right to due process.Spaulding, listed the names of everyone who signed documents in the unlawful State Forfeiture case. The conspiracy statutes will connect the liable parties together and everyone will share in the liability.
Spaulding, is in the process of filing a formal complaint requesting an investigation into embezzlement of her money, and she will also be filing her "Notice of Claim" against everyone listed in the document to disqualify the judge.
Spaulding, is also demanding the case be moved to the Chief Justice’s Court room in a different town because of the conspiracy and high level of corruption in Statesboro Georgia.
I'm posting it for the same reason we posted stuff in the 1st place, to put pressure on them to act!
babe, you don't get it!!!
If the judge's butt will catch on fire they will settle! think about it.. they bust their asses to protect the judge! its their JOB, Number 1 job is to protect the Judge and the court! If you stomp on everything they will not want to go there! They will want to settle.
Carrie, I can’t go back to the old way of thinking and that way did not help you in your case for 8yrs, Carrie, if i put enough pressure on the judge and be a huge pain in his ass we will have a higher chance to get them to throw in the towel!
Remember we don't have a chance in hell of winning in a trial!!! So why would I need to worry about the judge. Dude the freaking Judge is NOT on my side, he is on their side., and he already hates me cause I’m black, lol.
The reason to post this is most of those people had nothing to do with the theft of her account and they will raise hell when they find out they have been added to the pot of liability!!!! Don’t you see. The problem is some of those people that were recently added to the list, you cannot get me to believe all of those people knew nothing about the fraud going on down there!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Don't Let This Be You In Debt Collection Court Use Our Documents And Win Today

My wife and I started a legal document preparation business that will provide a much needed, and valuable service for many people who are struggling to make ends meet. Advocates for Justice documents can help your clients by getting old medical bills and old credit card bills that have been charged off removed from their credit report. This will allow their credit score to increase very quickly and help them to qualify for better financing, and in some case could be the difference between a sale or the client heading to the “buy here pay here” lot.
 We teach our clients how do this by using a document to addresses the issue of the corporate charge off. A charge off occurs when the corporate business claims these alleged unpaid debts on their taxes, and writes the unpaid balances off on their company’s insurance as a loss.
When the original business sells the alleged debt after a charge off to a debt collector it is violation, and the original company can be held liable in civil court for the unlawful collection of an alleged debt, and other criminal charges.
Advocates for Justice, teaches clients how to uses a HIPAA, violation document to remove old medical debts from client’s credit report, and it works great because their medical billing information is protected under HIPAA, the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
The Privacy Rule, is a Federal law, that gives consumers rights over their health care information and sets rules and limits on who can look at and receive consumer’s health information.
The Privacy Rule applies to all forms of individuals' protected health information, whether electronic, written, or oral. The Security Rule is a Federal law that requires security for health information in electronic form.
Corporate companies get away with these fraudulent practices because consumers are not aware, the laws that protect them are found in the “Acts” that Congress passes.
Just think how many families are affected by this fraudulent practice, many family’s would have qualified for better financing for that new car, or house had their credit not been attacked by these unlawful debt collectors. 
Now the consumer has options, we are confident that you will be very satisfied with the quality of service we offer and our commitment to customer satisfaction.
 The information enclosed will help you make the most of our service.
Our documents will help clients in the following areas:
1. Removing Old Medical Debts from your credit report.
2. Attacking old credit card collections.
3. Providing answers to the debt collector’s lawsuits.
4. Interrupting foreclosure  proceedings.
5. Wining in traffic court.
6. Foreclosure Defense.
 The benefits to the consumers who use our documents:
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5. We do not handle any of the client’s personal information.
 Our credit repair document prices starts at 75.00, we also draft custom document at a rate of 95.00 per hr. As client’s legal needs change we will be glad to help them evaluate those needs, and offer them the services and  that will assist in achieving their new goals. Please give us a call, and let Advocates for Justice help your clients keep more their hard earned money in their pockets today. I would value an opportunity to visit with you about our service.
We have both a business web site and an Amazon store at: www.amazon.com/shops/winincourtnow
Below is information you would need to find our document on Amazon
Web: address winincourtnow.com
Product Name:  HIPAA Violation Letter
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Brand Name:  Advocate's Legal Documents
Manufacturer Part Number:  B-1
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Thank you for considering Advocates for Justice.

Sincerely: ______________________________    4/7/2016
 Advocates For Justice

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Is it a due process violation when a police officer issues a summons that is not prior signed by a judicial officer of the court, the “Separation Clause” provides the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches will be separated.  When an officer from the executive branch sign’s and issues a citation it is a violation of the separation clause of the constitution because the summons was Not signed by a “Judicial” officer of the court. Right?

If you think violation like

Please like our new page below:


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Marietta Parker & Terra D. Morehead's Vindictive illegal Lis Pendens Against Yellow House Business Owner's Proper

Terra D. Morehead

Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 853(p).10th Circuit rules “substitute assets” are not subject to pre-trial restraint, yet after the Neighbors had their home listed on the Market for nearly 7 months, finally obtain a qualified buyer, the Neighbors are notified on Feb. 21, 2008 through a title search that the prosecutor from the U.S. Department of Justice Marietta Parker has put an illegal lis pendens lien against the Home and Business property at 1904 Mass. owned by the defendants. Destroying the ability of the defendants to proceed with the sale of the home. The illegal lis pendens was placed on the property September of 2007, in anticipation of a cash judgement upon conviction in a vindictive egregeous case. Secretly placed absent of any legal notice through the Wichita office of the U.S. Department of Justice. When the case is from the Kansas City based U.S. Dept. of Justice. ANNALYSIS OF THE SCHEME- Because the prosecutor Assistant United States Attorney Marietta Parker placed the Lis pendens on the property secretly absent of any legal notice and through the Wichita Office. Filed and signed under oath "secretly" under the name of a U.S. Attorney from Wichita not involved in the Yellow House case (Annette B. Gurney) Assistant U.S. Attorney Ks.S. Ct. #11602. (316)269-6481 It would appear the prosecutor has gone to great lengths to keep this order hidden. Could it be this would allow the forfeiture to be "under the table" so to speak, and allow the Prosecutor to "Launder the Money" from the sale of the property for her own personal advancement? click on the link to see the documents: http://picasaweb.google.com/guysmileys/MariettaParkerHasPutAnIllegalLisPendensLisPendensLienAgainstTheYellowHouseProperty A VIOLATION OF RIGHTS -Not only was the Neighbors rights violated by the Lis Pendens order, their rights were further violated when the order interfered with the sale of the home. The rights of the defendants are even further violated when the prosecutor failed to notify the Neighbors with-in 60 days of the allegation of Lis pendens against the property as required by law. PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE.-Why would an experienced prosecutor place an illegal lis pendens order against a property that had been owned by the defendants for nearly 12 years?The 10 cir, ct. has ruled a lis pendens notice is intended to preserve property rights in existence at the time litigation commences, but does not create new or additional property rights. Additionally, under Kansas law, a lis pendens cannot be filed in “anticipation of a money judgment.” Obviously allowing such a filing would interfere with the defendants right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. CONCLUSION-In conclusion the conduct of the Government in this case is outrageous and with total disregard for the laws these officials have taken an oath to uphold. The Government has proceeded with no regard for the defendants constitutional rights and have failed to uphold any level accountability for their own actions. The Government does not hold itself to even the same minimal standards of conduct that they are expecting of the
defendants they are prosecuting. IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE-If that is true then why do excuses keep getting made for the Prosecutors and police officers involved in the Yellow House case? Why is that they are allowed to violate the laws they are supposed to be inforcing and the courts continue to make excuses for them, and cover up for their mistakes as if they are above the same code of conduct they are holding the public to! Labels: Annette B Gurney, Corruption in the Federal Government prosecutors office., Illegal Government Lien against property in criminal case, Illegal prosecution of Yellow House Lawrence Kansas

Lawrence Police Chief Ron Olin & Marietta Parker's Superseding Indictment Is a Vindictive Corruption Cover-Up In The Yellow House Case.

This was one of our old blog postings I' think from 2007
 This latest superseding indictment is an obvious attempt by the prosecutor for more cover-ups. What is most sad is what kind of injustice the witnesses only listed by initials on the Yellow House indictment the Government claims are known to the Grand Jury have had to endure since 2005. How much intimidation and harassment has been forced upon them to bring them to the point we are at now? These people who as the indictment indicates are known to the Grand Jury should in reality be listed as victims of the Government.
These individuals who the Government are using as pawns in this case have been harassed at their work place, intimidated, searched, followed, pulled over without being ticketed, illegally taken into custody to be interrogated about the Yellow House, lied to, had their families thrown to the floor and concussion grenades thrown into their homes by Lawrence Police officers, scared to death then been given plea deals and even released from prison early in exchange for their perjured non credible testimony.
 Several customers victimized during the investigation of this business have filed formal complaints, and one customer is in the litigation process of a huge lawsuit against the city of Lawrence Kansas and its Police department for the harassment that was endured because of this corrupt investigation. The question is where is the evidence of a crime? Where are the police reports? Where is the evidence that the owners of the Yellow House business ever participated in any property crimes, thefts, or fencing schemes when hearsay evidence is not admissible in federal court?Why has not one thief or booster been arrested in connection with the Yellow House business or the investigation that has spanned over nearly three years?How can the Government continue to put lis pendens and Forfeitures against the defendants property when there are no convictions?Because someone scared out their wits that has been harassed and intimidated by the police and Government officials over a period of nearly three years are known to the Grand Jury to have sold something to the business because the Government saw their name on a check the business wrote them, does not constitute a Federal crime or a money laundering scheme.This new superseding indictment, which is now the fourth indictment based upon one original indictment from 2005 with no new incidents of wrong doing is a disgrace to the Justice System. The indictment calls for a forfeiture of property listed as a substitute asset. This is clearly not admissible in the 10th circuit court. There are no fruits of any crime here because there is no crime that has been proven to have been committed; only hearsay evidence has been presented by people with questionable credibility, and there have been no convictions in this case. It makes no sense that the Government would charge defendants with no criminal history of being unlawful users with a firearm, and then dismiss the charges.Then bring back the same charges with added enhancements execute a second arrest without new incidents on the same charges. Then file yet another indictment of money laundering
and mail fraud based on circumstantial evidence, false written statements and perjury. Then 5 months later, file a vindictive superseding indictment on top of the original questionable indictment two days after the defendants file a motion to dismiss an illegal forfeiture allegation on their property.How many times between 2005 and 2008 can a couple of pissed off Federal prosecutors9Terra D Morehead & Marietta N. Parker #77807 charge and arrest the same defendants on the same charges in a corrupt vindictive prosecution? Here is # 5 of Marietta's indictment and it clearly states upon conviction, and any property traceable to such offense, Parker has No conviction and has NOT proved any property has been traced to the crimes she has charged the yellow house business owners , What is wrong with you Parker ! Your supervisor should make you sit down and shut up! You are NOT the Judge or the Jury! Here is the section of the law from her Vindictive Indictment, Note the" words convicted of offense" and "alleged to be traceable to" Sounds like Parker has the Business owners guilty and convicted before the trial ( if there ever is one) For example, 18 U.S.C. § 982 (a)(1) provides, “The court, inimposing sentence on a person convicted of an offense in violation of section 1956 . . .shall order that the person forfeit to the United States any property, real or personal,involved in such offense, or any property traceable to such offense.” In this case, theAndover property is alleged to be traceable to the offense of money laundering. Is this case really being prosecuted by impartial prosecutors? If you would like to help the Yellow business Owners please call Parkers Office and ask why these charges have not been dropped, also would you like to know just how many millions of dollars of tax payers money have been wasted on this stupid vindictive prosecution. Marietta Parker, # 77807 marietta.parker@usdoj.gov Assistant United States Attorney Case 2:07-cr-20124-CM Document 43 Filed 03/04/2008 1-913-551-6674 or 1-913-551-6730 or call 1-913-390-5023 or 1-913-551-6732 Or call the Cell phone at 1-913-961-2539 FBI Public Corruption at 1-816-221-6100 Topeka FBI ask for Scott Gentine 1-785-235-3811 or 1-785-368-1555 Maybe you could call the Kansas Human Right Commission about our case at toll free 1-888-793-6874 Please do not forget to contact Dan Winter at the ACLU for us at 1-816-756-3113 or email the aclu at staff@aclukswmo.org Thanks for all of your helping us fight Parkers Corruption. Labels: 10th circuit court lis penden, money laundering mail fraud vexaious prosecution, perjury indictment, vindictive prosecution

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Federal Prosecutor Marietta Parker Illegally Obtained a Search Warrant To Delete Guy Neighbors Blogspot Post About Federal Prosecutor Terra D. Morehead's Possible Drug History.

This is a very old blog posting from my 1st blog site set up about our case. This blog posting is about the federal prosecutor's possible drug history. The government was pretty grumpy about the posting about the federal prosecutors possible drug history.
 Federal prosecutor's Parker, and Morehead, filed a motion to have  Neighbors, bond revoked because if this blog posting below. Morehead, broke down and started crying in the court room, as the judge denied their request for detention for blogging. Things became very personal and the corruption to beat me and Carrie, down intensified.

The Old Blog Posting:

Guy N

show details 2/23/09

Prosecutor Marietta Parker Deletes Blogspot post about Federal prosecutor Terra Morehead's Possible Drug History in a Cover-Up Conspiracy In The Yellow House Investigation.

Prosecutor Marietta Parker used password obtained through warrant to edit and deletes posts from defendant Guy Neighbors blog site!
Here is a slide show of the blog post that was deleted, click on the document and it will open up for easy viewing. To
understand why and what has happened here in the present we must first go back to the past.During an evidence hearing November 5, 2007 before the Honorable Judge Lungstrum; U.S. Attorney Terra Morehead explains to the Judge that the reason the defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors were denied their legal right to a speedy trial was because there was a tornado in Greensburg Kansas.....Later while talking to some long time friends the Neighbors mentioned they did not understand why the tornado in Greensburg Kansas would be the reason the Prosecutor told the Judge they were denied the speedy trial. The Neighbors were informed by this friend that Terra was from Greensburg and that they had gone to school with Terra Morehead. They also knew Terra's family and informed the Neighbors that they believed Terra and her brother had a possible history of drug abuse and that from what they knew the family had been torn apart by drugs. They questioned how someone with a drug history had become a Federal Prosecutor. Mr. Neighbors then posted a story with this acquired information asked as a question on his blog site. He felt the information could be connected to the discriminatory abusive treatment he and his wife had received, while being prosecuted in
Federal court by Terra Morehead. He also believed this history of drug abuse in Ms. Moreheads family combined by her hatred towards people of color could be what is driving the prosecutor to abuse his civil rights and show obvious signs that she and her partner U.S Assistant Attorney
Marietta Parker are taking the case personal.
This posting greatly upset the Prosecutors. In response to the posting, Prosecuting Attorney Terra Morehead immediately motioned to have the defendants Gagged. During the hearing the Prosecutor Terra Morehead had an emotional breakdown, she cried and pleaded with Judge to gag the
defendants, and make them stop blogging. She stated that a photo taken
from the "Scruffy the dog case internet story" had been placed on the
defendants blog site, and that she had received threats because this
photo which was already publicly displayed on the internet had been posted on the blog site. She told the Judge that because of the blogs her cases were being investigated 5 years back by an outside agency! The day of the hearing for the gag order, Mr. Neighbors is informed through
an anonomous email through the blog account, that a co-worker of
Marietta Parker overheard her in her office preparing for the hearing; slamming things and yelling the 'N' word! Mr. Neighbors again angered
the prosecutor by posting this aquired information on his blog site.
Sometime around May 2008 Prosecuting U.S. Federal Attorney Marietta Parker served a warrant on Sunflower cable to obtain the password information connected to the defendants Internet activities ( we are not sure the warrant was legal and signed by a federal judge). She then logs into the defendants blog account and proceeds to go to the edit tools
to delete the story Mr. Neighbors had written about Terra Moreheads
possible past drug history. There is also evidence through her actions that she was also logging into the email accounts and possibly reading attorney client correspondence emails. To cover up for the fact she has illegally edited Mr. Neighbors blog account, Federal Prosecutor Marietta Parker then files a motion to revoke the bonds of the defendants Mr. Neighbors and his wife based on the blogs. To support her motion to revoke the bond she uses pages from the blogs as exhibits. These exhibits clearly show when she copied and printed them off, she was not only logged into Mr. Neighbors blog account, she had also used the editing tools before printing off the pages. (The editing tools can still be seen in the exhibits. See photo
at top of page) What possible probable cause would give a Federal
Prosecuting attorney the right to serve a search warrant on a defendants Internet provider in order to obtain passwords to everything in relation to that defendants Internet IP address? Thus allowing this prosecutor to tamper with 'the evidence' which is in this case constitutionally protected freedom of speech postings on a private blog site and view private emails that contain attorney client correspondence? How many constitutionally protected rights can a defendant have violated while being corruptly prosecuted? What justifiable legal basis or probable cause could a prosecutor possibly have; to get a warrant for passwords that enables her to be editing and eavesdropping on a defendants emails and blogging pages in relation to trumped up Federal charges based the execution of an illegal warrantless search of the defendants home and a bogus stolen property, money laundering case that hinges on the perjured testimony of convicted felons?The actions of these prosecutors clearly show cover-up, conspiracy, tampering with the evidence, obstruction of justice, misuse of private information obtained through a search warrant, violation of privacy and a violation of Attorney rules of ethics.
Labels: calculated cover-up conspiracy by Federal Justice Department, Marietta Parker uses search warrant to alter evidence, obstruction of justice

Friday, February 19, 2016

Lawrence Kansas Police Officer Violates The wrong Black Man's Rights

This police dash cam shows an officer performing a traffic on Guy Neighbors. The officer lied in court and testified he could see that Neighbors did not have his seat belt on. Neighbors, is fighting the case and had a 350-k 1983 civil action filed in the matter. Neighbors, also files several restraining orders / injunction, to block Municipal from continuing to make judicial determinations without judicial authority. Neighbors contends Kansas Municipal Court gets its authority from the Lawrence City ordinance, not the "Constitution". Neighbors . states he is not subject to following the city ordinance unless he chooses to .
Look at the video can you see who is driving the truck or if the driver has on his seat belt on.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

New Legal Document Research Business Opens Up On Amazom

Advocate's For Justice Legal Research Business

A new legal document research business,"Advocates for Justice" Legal Research, opened on Amazon and is enjoying very a very warm welcome by both Amazon and Amazon shoppers. This legal research document site has documents prepared already that can help you win in court. Advocate's for Justice has documents that will defend against Foreclosures, 3rd party debt collectors, traffic court citations, criminal charges.  and much more. The legal documents are very affordable for everyone, and they are prepared with a different strategy than what attorneys use. The legal research documents at advocates for justice will address policies and procedures the government and corporate businesses ignore when they are harassing you. It will definitely be worth your time to take a look at the site and see what they have to offer.

Thank You

Owner: Guy Neighbors
            14311 W. Megan St.
            Chandler, AZ 85224
`           1-813-575-0319