Thursday, March 29, 2018

 Our New “Stop Foreclosure Defense Legal Document Website”

Conventional Foreclosure Defense is not working so, we need to try different strategies and approaches. We need to have a different goal when we are in court fighting. The corruption is so bad there is no way the Judge is going to rule that your documents wins and give you the property free and clear.

The goal should be to spread the civil liability to the court because of the attorney’s fraud and failure to follow Federal Security Laws. You will never have any chance to make them give up until you get the Court to respect your constitutional rights!
Our goal is to help you get evidence on the court record that will show the trail of predatory lending and fraud. Then we show you how to sue the court, the attorney, and the State B.A.R. Association!

Think about it, the rules they are using to kick our butt’s within court come from the B.A.R. Association and everyone in court is connected to the B.A.R. except you!
All of the player stealing your property are members of the B.A.R.! Now does that sound like a fair court proceedings?

We offer you the option to fight your foreclosure yourself without an attorney or you can make your attorney file the legal document you purchase from our website.

Our documents are not what any attorney would draft for a client to file.
Our documents address the predatory lending practices that occurred at the beginning of the alleged loan. This will make the missed and or late payments irrelevant. Our documents address issues attorney will not help you address in court.... we have no problem calling the banks B.S. out on the carpet!

We have the documents you need already drafted and waiting to be personalized!
You can file these documents or make your attorney file them. We have lawsuits drafted you can file against the banks attorneys and the court for violation of your “Due Process Rights”.
We even have a lawsuit for legal malpractice that can be filed against the attorney you hired that threw you under the bus. Yes! You can sue the attorney to get the money back you paid to them, or more!
 We have documents you can use to get back in court if the judge ruled against you and gave away your home. We help you get back in court so you can file your counterclaim lawsuit and avoid the 400.00 civil filing fee to file a new case.

 My documents are not for the faint at heart or the people who believe attorneys really help people.
The question most people ask when discussing this new approach our legal documents head in is, have you won and the answer is hell yes!….. and my question for them is how is your current foreclosure defense strategy working for you?  I inform clients the cost of my documents and taking a chance on something different is much less than doing nothing at all and losing your families home to thieves from the B.A.R. Association.
Now homeowners have an option that was not designed the attorneys. It’s time to step up and take action if you have the courage to do something different!
What are you going to do?

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