Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Wrongful Foreclosure Lawsuit Document Video

Wrongful Foreclosure Lawsuit:

1. Have you been fighting your foreclosure alone, and now it looks like they are really going to sale your home.
2. Filing a wrongful foreclosure lawsuit to save your home may be the best option you have.
3. If your lender is using a non-judicial process to foreclose, you will be able to delay or stop the foreclosure by filing your wrongful foreclosure lawsuit against the lender.
4. Filing your lawsuit against the lender, and their attorney to stop foreclosure is effective, and can ease the stresses that most homeowners deal with while stuck in the foreclosure process.
5. The official legal term is “mortgage litigation,” and most lawsuits against lenders never make it to trial.
6. When you use our wrongful foreclosure lawsuit, we will provide you with documentation you need to prove to the court the foreclosure should not take place because of the following violations of Federal Law, and Federal Security Statutes, for example.
The foreclosing lender:
1. Executed the power of sale clause without legal authority:
2. Lacked standing to foreclose:
3. Cannot produce the original contract to prove there was a loan:
4. Violated Federal R.I.C.O. Statutes.
5. Slandered the title and caused damages to the plaintiff:
7. Violated the Consumer Protection Act:
8. Violated Federal Forgery Statutes:
9. You will also get free of charge document #-6 The restraining Order/Injunction To Stop The Non- Judicial Foreclosure: (The restraining order you will file after you file the lawsuit, and the lawsuit is the reason you are demanding the restraining order)
How Long Will It Take?
10. Once you file your lawsuit against the mortgage company, it typically takes 6 to 9 months or more to resolve the case.
11. All you need to do is personalize your document by replacing the red font with the information from your foreclosure paperwork, and turn the red font to black, sign and print.
12. We are not attorneys, so we suggest you meet with a paralegal in your State to make sure the lawsuit contains the necessary elements for your State, and meets the filing requirements.

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