Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Guy Neighbors, Restraining Order to Block Lawrence Kansas Municipal Court From Making Judicial Ruling without "Jurisdiction"

Guy Neighbors, moves the court to Issue an Injunction and Restraining Order pursuant to Rule 65. (a) (b) (A) to block Judge Scott Miller, and City of Lawrence Municipal Court from Continuing to violate the Constitutional Rights of Neighbors, and other citizens of Lawrence Kansas and states:
I. The issue here is The Lawrence Kansas Municipal Court is a non- constitutional court who is claiming to have judicial authority from Article III of the Unites States Constitution. Article 4 provides authority for an article IV court to have administrative authority to make rules and administration functions. The problem is since this court is Not a part of the Constitution this court has no authority to take power from the “Constitution”or perform judicial function. This court gets its authority from the City “ordinance” Not the Constitution or Congress. Municipal Court is making judicial determinations without “Jurisdiction”. This unlawful practice is in violation of the Constitution and affects all citizens of Lawrence Kansas.
Neighbors, moves this court to issue a restraining order and injunction to block the court from continuing this unlawful practices.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Guy Neighbors Files Restraining Order/ Injunction To Block Judge Scott Miller, From Retaliating Against Him!



This was a little surprise bomb shell that was delivered to federal court today. The traffic court judge was very grumpy, that I figured out how to move my case right out of his fraudulent court room!!!
Today I' filed the documents and 3 hrs. later 'received a call from the Judged Deputy, she said the Judge wanted to know if I’ wanted him to have a hearing on my restraining order and injunction, blocking the traffic court’s retaliation against me by revoking my driver’s licenses. The Deputy wanted to know if I’ wanted to schedule a hearing, or if I wanted the judge to rule from the paper. I chose to allow him to rule from the paper because I’ can see the court in Topeka, is operating differently in a very good way. Things are getting interesting up in here.
Judge Scott Miller has a conflict of interest, due to the civil action Neighbors filed against Miller.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Guy Neighbors Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Against The Lawrence Kansas Police Department, and The City of Lawrence

This is a final draft of our Federal Civil Rights Violation Law Suit.

Guy Neighbors Law Suit Against the Lwerance Kansas Police Department and The City of Lawrence Kansas (Amedd... by Guy Madison Neighbors

. Statement of Entitlement
The defendant’s violated Neighbors, rights guaranteed by the constitution at 18 U.S.C.S. 1983. The defendant’s racially profiled Neighbors, during several traffic stops that were performed without probable cause. The defendant’s acted with “Deliberate Indifference” to following the “Constitution” or “Federal Laws” when they performed the traffic stops on Neighbors, without probable cause. These un-lawful traffic stops were the result of the Un- Constitutional Policies, Procedures, Ordinances, and Laws the City of Lawrence implemented.
The defendant’s acted with deliberate indifference to following the constitution, and federal laws. Neighbors was damaged while the defendants were enforcing city policies while acting “under color of law,” and the unconstitutional policies, procedures, ordinances, City Laws are the source of this action.

 Courts Citation Process is Un-Constitutional:
Separation of powers is a political doctrine  originating in the writings of Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws where he urged for a constitutional government with three separate branches of government. Each of the three branches would have defined abilities to check the powers of the other branches. This idea was called separation of powers. This philosophy heavily influenced the writing of the United States Constitution, according to which the Legislative Executive  and Judicial branches of the United States government are kept distinct in order to prevent abuse of power.
When Lawrence Kansas Police officer issued Neighbors, a “Summons” that was NOT signed by a “Judicial officer” of the court,( prior to the ticket being issued), it is a violation of the “Separation of Powers” clause the of the Constitution, and therefore the defendant’s violated Neighbors, Constitutional Rights for each of the 3 citations. Neighbors suffered damages.
Our legal system and statutes are filled with ambiguous, deceptive, and contradictory terms and definitions. The fact the court request that one sign a contract agreeing to be held to the standard of a licensed attorney would appear the court is holding the private citizen to a much higher standard in order to access and win in court.
The standard to prove damages is set much higher in proportion with the standards to issue a citation, or summons.
The defendant’s, in their combined motion to dismiss, states: “Officer Wech, issues citation #A023469 to plaintiff, noting his “Certification” that he has “Reasonable Grounds” to believe, and does believe that the plaintiff violated three sections of the city ordinances. Defendant’s fail to state what those reasonable grounds were, and plaintiff is incorrect in his statement. Officer Wech, only issues a citation for one violation. Officer Robinson, issued a citation with several violations.
This case is simple; officer’s stopped Neighbors, on 3 different occasions based on “Reasonable Grounds” that he was violating something that is not a real law. It would appear the bar for remedy is set much higher that the bar for officers’ conduct “under color of law.”
The exhibits attached to the claim are going to be used to show a pattern of “Abuse” to the jury. Neighbors, is only claiming damage for the unlawful traffic stops.
Neighbors, Prays this court will rule in his favor and provide him “Remedy” for the damages that he has suffered.

Press Release Going Out To Bring Notice To Neighbors 1983 Civil Action Against The Lawrence Police and the City of Lawrence Kansas

                       Guy Neighbors Press Release


Kansas Resident Slams Lawrence Police Department With
Federal Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit

After enduring countless violations of his Civil Rights, Guy Neighbors
had enough of illegal police procedures that violated his rights to
Due Process. The “Good-Old-Boys” mentality is thriving in Lawrence, Kansas.

Lawrence, Kansas, November 30, 2015, In a civil rights case that warrants everyone’s attention, Guy Neighbors has placed the spotlight squarely on the Lawrence Kansas Police Department along with the City of Lawrence. Guy filed an action under U.S.C.42/Sec.1983 in the United States District  Court in Kansas. Case #15-4921 throws down the gauntlet against what appears to be an organized attempt to deprive Mr. Neighbors of his basic constitutional rights. The case clearly states how police officers exceeded their authority to act without probable cause. The only time officers may act without a certain probable cause is in the case of “exigent circumstances”, which did not exist with this purported seat belt violation.

After reviewing the facts of the case, one might wonder how a police officer in a patrol car could see whether Mr. Neighbors was wearing a seat belt while he was in a Truck. Neighbors stated the police car dash cam video showed that the officer could not see who was driving the vehicle or if the driver had his seat belt. It is obvious that they could not. The Officers used this “supposed” seat belt violation as an open door to harass Guy Neighbors beyond belief. The fact that they knew Mr. Neighbors, who is an Afro-American, was married to a Caucasian women was the basis for the showing of “racial animus” as the cause for repeated unlawful stops. The question arises as to how many other Lawrence Kansas citizens have been the subjects of these targeted civil rights violations.

The improprieties extend beyond the local police department, and include the Lawrence Municipal Court where hearings on legal cases are heard without any record keeping. The Municipal Court has only Administrative Authority, it does not have Jurisdiction, and it is not a Court of Record. No stenographers were present to document what has transpired between the Defendant and the City. This is in-and-of-itself a Violation of the right of Due Process. How can a person proceed to a higher court with no transcript of proceedings? This is a procedure from the middle ages, and needs to be corrected right now. How can a Defendant show prosecutorial misconduct in court without a transcript, or maybe they are afraid to show how cozy the Judges are with the Prosecutors. This is the “Good-Old-Boys” mentality where there is an unwritten code of cooperation which inherently tramples on Civil Rights.

In Neighbors case, he alleges: “The Defendants violated Neighbors rights guaranteed by the constitution at 18 U.S.C./Sec.1983. The Defendants racially profiled Neighbors during several traffic stops that were performed without probable cause. The defendants acted with “Deliberate Indifference” to following the “Constitution” or “Federal Laws” when they performed the traffic stops on Neighbors without probable cause. These unlawful traffic stops were the result of the Un- Constitutional Policies, Procedures, Ordinances, and Laws the City of Lawrence implemented.

Neighbors was damaged while the Defendants were enforcing city policies while acting “under color of law,” and the unconstitutional policies, procedures, ordinances, City Laws are the source of this action. Neighbors was damaged and is praying this court grant him just compensation for his injuries, or what the court finds just and fair.” Neighbors will prove that the City of Lawrence Traffic/Municipal Court citation process and procedures are un-constitutional. Neighbors challenged the Municipal Court’s jurisdiction and that challenge was never stated on the record in the case. The citations issued in this cause of action were flawed. Kansas State law requires a description of the alleged violation on the face of the citation. The citation filed in court in this case did not have a description written on the face of the citation.

Guy Neighbors has established a Blog Site so that the public can follow this precedent setting case.

For complete information, please visit: http://guyneig.blogspot.com/

Media Contact:

Guy Neighbors
Attn: Media relations
Lawrence, Kansas
PHONE 913-240-0227

EMAIL – guysmileys52@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Could Federal Prosecutor be intimidating Neighbors with the threat of planting drugs on his persons to block his federal Law suit.


Federal Prosecutor Christopher Oakley refused to return Neighbors property and fire arms collection after the case was adjudicated. Mr. Oakley appears to have had a change of heart after the 1st law suit was filed and allowed to proceed without payment for fraudulent filing fees. Or is the prosecutor's letter sent as a threat to Mr. Neighbors. All of the multiple over lapping Federal cases were dismissed after 8 years of harassment. Now the prosecutor is making reference to "A Unlawful User" in possession of firearms. Mr. Neighbors has never been convicted of being an unlawful used. Nothing in Neighbors house tested positive to be drugs!
Neighbors feels like this letter is an attempt to intimidate him into NOT accepting his firearms back because the government could place drugs on Neighbors after he retrieves his firearms and force him back into custody, all to block the law suit that was filed in Federal Court in Topeka last week. The Prosecutor also appears to be providing legal advice, which is both illegal and unethical. The prosecutor’s legal advice is lacking. He mentions "if you are still unlawfully using drugs or other controlled substances, you are a user of a control substance and it is illegal for neighbors to possess firearms" he continues to state, " If you are determined to be prohibited person, you may be subjected to criminal prosecution in federal and or state court.

Since all of the charges were dropped, and one has to be convicted before they can be a unlawful user of drugs, Neighbors accepts this letter as a "Threat" that of He receives his fire arm collection that the police dept. will plant drugs on Neighbors and try to lock him back up, just to block the law suit and to block Neighbors from proving to the world that his wife Carrie Marie Neighbors was unlawfully locked up in prison for 8yrs of her life.
In light of what is going on in this country with police shooting people, Neighbors feels like his life is in danger and is requesting protection, and an investigation. The documents Neighbors filed in the civil case will support the fact that evidence is missing from the Lawrence Kansas Police Department Evidence Room. This missing evidence is a key to getting the unlawful conviction of Carrie Neighbors "Over turned".

Guy Neighbors was never convicted of drugs, or having drug paraphernalia, therefore this letter is a direct attempt to intimidate Mr. Neighbors into removing his civil action from the federal court or face drug charged that would be planted on his persons.
The prosecutor should maybe spend his time preparing do defend the law suit on the federal level for 125 million he will be facing in a few month, and the prosecutor needs to understand Neighbors is Not accepting any of his evidence back at this time because it is now "evidence in the civil case". Neighbors filed several formal complaints against the Lawrence Kansas Police Dept. for missing laptops long before the Neighbors were indicted, and the missing evidence was never investigated.

Guy Neighbors will NOT be intimidated, he has been fighting to clear the love of his life's good name, and to bring her home to her family.
Mr. Oakley the missing evidence is addressed in the filed civil action, and thereby becomes evidence in the civil case, so please save what little evidence you have left, because at some point soon Neighbors, will be inventorying all of the evidence with the media and the new investigator.

Thank you for your consideration on this matter
Guy N.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Winona Workman
18 days ago
I've known Guy and Carrie since their Yellow House was on Iowa in their house. Anyone can say what you want about them getting caught "red handed" I call BULLSHIT!!!! I've never met more honest, hard working people EVER! I worked at Yellow House with Carrie for several years doing appliance repair. If she thought something might be stolen she wouldn't buy it. If she did buy something and someone came in with proof it was theirs and stolen she was always very willing to cooperate with police to get the items back to the owner, at her loss! Maybe you should find out actual facts instead of the bullshit the police gave the Journal World, I would be happy to answer any questions you have!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Working on my 1st Appeal

Finally made it to the Appeals Court with this mess of a case the government started. This is my first appeal Pro-per (which means as my own counsel), Carrie is helping me with it, she is great at the appeals court pleading so we are tag teaming together to get this done. Her case in in the appeals court as well and the nice thing about this is in her case she cannot address the many issues and violations of our rights because her attorney John Duma, threw her under the bus and refused to get anything on the record in her so-called trial. The last of 8- Federal cases against me was dismissed on May 19th of 2014, and now the government is refusing to return our expensive firearm collection. I know some of our firearms are missing along with other evidence that was unlawfully seized. I know the Gov. thought when they dropped my final case that I would go hide and be happy. They were very wrong! until they let my honey come home the dog fight is on, so now I filed to have the judge force the government to return our evidence because we know it is missing and if we are able to prove its missing they will be forced to acquit Carrie and let her come home where she belongs. So the Judge refused to do the right thing so, I appealed his refusal to allow me to present the evidence I needed to defend in the evidence hearing. We stacked some pleading on the table addressing issues with jurisdiction and many other issues and the district court could not respond to the last 6 pleadings, so the Judge denied them all not on the merits, which means I can challenge the appeals court to respond to the pleadings, things are getting very, very interesting. I plan to use my case to show all the issues that Carrie is blocked from showing because of the dumb court rules. We make a great team, we are going to see this through no matter how long it takes.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Press Release For The New Work Furlough Program


                                                                                    Oaks of Justice, LLC

                                                                                    304 461 4740 / Fax 408-709-2906

                                                                                    31 Fairway View, Peterstown, WV 24963





            ALDERSON, WV…An Alderson Prison inmate has created a viable solution for prison reform: the Oaks of Justice, LLC Program, a newly formed Not-For-Profit entity formed exclusively to provide services of a Work Furlough Program (WFP) to the Bureau of Prisons, (BOP). While initially funded by a private charitable foundation, WFP will coordinate with a major university to compile insightful demographics to be used by Governmental agencies as well as educational institutions, and private agencies to accurately graph and track the success of the program participants. This will be done by compiling precise consistent data or rates of recidivism, employment success, and job retention as well as re- integration into society. The Program plans the following:

            To minimize the social, psychological and economic damages to children, and families by placing the parents and care givers back into homes with limitations imposed to meet standards of sentencing and to allow the individual increased responsibilities by being productive in the community.

            To reduce the cost and burden to U.S. Tax payers by higher welfare, housing, and health care for family members of incarcerated inmates.

            To relieve inmate families of added expenses needed to support the inmate that include communications from the prison, visitation, restitution, dental/healthcare co-pays, and basic hygiene items such as over-the-counter medications not provided by the BOP. This Proposal deals positively with the economics, emotional, social, political, and safety issues within the current system.

            To allow WFP participants to receive as well as pay for their own medical services as permissible by USSC standards, insuring the inmate is the responsible party for self-care and not the taxpayers (as currently in place by city and State governments. Authority for this WFP is granted by 18 U.S.C. 3622, granted by the DOJ, 18 U.S.C. 4082 (2) to the Director of the BOP by 28 CFR 096(D) and under 570.33 (A, C-J).

            To reduce BOP’s burden of additional expenses in dealing with the 40% overcrowding and also create a safer environment for staff and inmates.

            To furnish a separate trust fund with contributions of $20.00(Twenty Dollars) from each participant from an application fee to be used to increase educational and recreational programs in the institution.




            To provide demographics statistics for study and review by various agencies that will increase the accurate allocation of funding and sentencing structure.

            WFP will provide full intense 24/7 State of the Art Security including but is not limited to GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and Personal Locator Devices (PLD) regular communications and unscheduled person-to-person contact.

            Most important these goals will be accomplished at No Cost to the DOJ, BOP, or any local, State or Federal agencies. The institution will be reimbursed for each application with which they assist in faxing, copying, etc. All applications will be processed by WFP and will not be reliant upon the institution staff. Applications, instructions, rules, etc. will be made available through one of the online websites by which each applicant can print through Corrlinks. All institutions will participate making WFP available throughout the country to qualified inmates.

            This program is structured for a seven (7) year period with two (2) five (5) year renewals. BOP agrees not to enter into any other agreements or form any programs of this nature on its own behalf that would interfere with the accuracy of the WFP data being compiled. It is only for non-violent, first-time offenders.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Guy's Case in In the Appeals Court Also YEA!!!

Well now what about that!!! Guy's case in in the Appeals court also. We have been working very hard to make sure we can both be in the appeals court together. The issue is Carrie is blocked from showing the true fraud that is in our cases because her attorney threw her under the bus and he worked very hard to make sure not much was on the record. When you appeal it is based off the court record, one is not allowed to introduce new evidence, so our plan was to make sure I was able to somehow get my case in the appeals court at the same time Carrie's case is there, this way I can show the real fraud and corruption with my case because since they were forced to drop all the pending charges against me, and our cases are one in the same. Now that I'm not under any gag order or indictment they cannot control me, lol. So now we both are standing side by side this is going to be very , very interesting!!!
I have some serious learning that needs to take place because I do not have much practice at drafting a brief for the appellate judged to review.... but I'm about to learn and I'm willing to do what ever it takes!!! SO WE MOVE FORWARD! wish us luck!

Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
Notice of Docket Activity

The following transaction was entered on 04/14/2015 at 2:13:08 PM MDT and filed on 04/14/2015
Case Name:United States v. Neighbors (Guy)
Case Number:  15-3024

Docket Text:
[10263680] Order filed by Clerk of Court (LS) lifting the abatement and considering this case for summary disposition. Appellant's memorandum brief due 04/28/2015 for Guy M. Neighbors. Briefing on the merits is tolled. Served on 04/14/2015. [15-3024]

Notice will be electronically mailed to:

Ms. Terra Morehead: Terra.Morehead@usdoj.gov
Mr. Guy M. Neighbors: guysmileys52@gmail.com
Mr. D. Christopher Oakley: chris.oakley@usdoj.gov

Finaly Carrie's Case In The Appeals Court and it Would Appears They Will Rule On The Merits of Her Case YEA!

YEA! Carrie is in the Appeals court and it would appear they are going to rule on her case on its merits. At 1st they told her they would take a look at her case and maybe rule on it. However it would appear that they are taking her seriously. We are ready to rock and roll!
Been waiting to be here for a very long time. We had to get rid of all the attorneys involved because they were only blocking us from making it to the appeals court. Now we are the legal team and we and we are going for it!
I'm excited to be able to fight and not have them stall us off in the court by ignoring our pleading or taking months to respond to out filings.

02/23/2015Open Restricted Document [10249883] Record on appeal filed. No. of Volumes: 2 - Pleadings. Volume II is SEALED. [15-3020]
03/09/2015Open Restricted Document [10253414] Appellant's motion filed by Carrie Marie Neighbors for leave to proceed in forma pauperis. Served on 03/09/2015. Manner of Service: email. [15-3020]
03/09/2015Open Document [10253416] Jurisdictional review complete. Appellant's entry of appearance and combined opening brief and application for certificate of appealability due 04/20/2015 for Carrie Marie Neighbors. [15-3020]
03/09/2015Open Document [10253432] Notice of appearance filed by Carrie Marie Neighbors. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 02/28/2015. Manner of Service: US mail. [15-3020]
03/25/2015Open Document [10258111] Appellant brief and application for certificate of appealability filed by Carrie Marie Neighbors. Original and 4 copies. Served on 03/25/2015 by ECF/NDA. Oral argument requested? n. [15-3020]
03/25/2015Open Document [10258212] Appellant's correspondence construed as a motion to supplement the record on appeal filed. Served on 03/17/2015. Manner of Service: US mail. [15-3020]
03/25/2015Open Document [10258241] Order filed by Clerk of the Court granting in part Appellant's motion to supplement the record on appeal Supplemental record on appeal due 04/06/2015 for Timothy M. O'Brien (KSkc), Clerk of Court. Served on 03/25/2015. [15-3020]
03/26/2015Open Document [10258404] Supplemental record on appeal filed. No. of Volumes: 1 - pleadings. (Supplemental volume 1.) [15-3020]
04/13/2015Open Document [10263363] Appellant's motion filed by Carrie Marie Neighbors "Motion to Compel Certified Copy of the Grand Jury transcripts and notice of error; Demand for Judicial Review and Relief from Grand Jury Indictment for fraud." Served on 04/09/2015. Manner of Service: US mail. [15-3020]
04/14/2015Open Document [10263437] Order filed by Clerk of the Court referring Appellant's "Motion to Compel Certified Copy of the Grand Jury Transcripts and Notice of Error; Demand for Judicial Review and Relief from Grand Jury Indictment for Fraud." to the panel of judges that will later be assigned to consider this case on the merits (no ruling will issue at this time). [10263363-2] Served on 04/09/2015. [15-3020]

PACER Service Center
Transaction Receipt
04/16/2015 22:20:59
PACER Login:gu0461:3938271:0Client Code: 
Description:Case Summary Search Criteria:15-3020
Billable Pages:1Cost:0.10

Monday, April 13, 2015

New Relief On The Horizon For Federal Prisoners!


As the Director of Field Operations for the Oaks Of Justice Work Furlough Program, I would like to introduce you to a new (not for profit) program I and my collegues are currently working on to be presented very soon to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
    This program will allow non-violent 1st time offenders to be released from federal prison, and return home to their families and jobs, on a monitored work furlough. 
Oaks of Justice (a not for profit company) will provide state of the art monitoring of these individuals at no cost to the BOP!
    This program already has the support of many State Senators, Governors and Organizations such as Catholic Services and FAMM (Families against Mandatory Minimums)
   If you have questions, comments or would like to write a letter of endorsement to support the implementing of this program please contact me! Guy Neighbors at 304-461-4740 or you may email me: guysmileys52@gmail.com
We will post more information on this new program in the next few day.
Thank You
Director of Field Opproations
Guy Neighbors

Faith There Will Be Justice!

God is here in every situation. And he is here in the prison with me. He keeps me strong everyday with his grace and mercy, and knowing I have a family that loves me, and I am blessed with a husband that never gives up on the fight for my freedom. This gives me the strength to keep going, I have Faith there will be justice.
Carrie M. Neighbors

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Facing The Challenge!

Some people feel we should move away when this is over, however the media will show this kind of thing is going on all over the country so where do you go?
It could be said that I’m hard headed and refuse to give up or run… if you don’t stand up for what you believe in then you won’t stand for anything! There are a lot of honest hard working men and women who work for the Lawrence police department, some of them are my friends, it is just a hand full of officers responsible for the injustice we have been forced to endure. We have raised our kids to believe that anything in life is possible if you are willing to do whatever it takes. We have shown we are willing to do whatever it takes, we have done nothing wrong and I refuse to run and hide!
I was thinking today this will never be over because of what it had done to our lives, all of the time I have been forced to be separated from my wife, there I no way ever this could be over, that time can never be replaced. I refuse to allow this situation to define who I ‘am, I refuse to allow this situation to turn me into a hater!!!

I believe when one live with hatred in his/her heart it sucks up the space for love. God once said we should forgive as we have been forgiven. This is my home and I will not be run off!

I want to make sure other people do not have to suffer what we have been through, and if they do I would like to be able to help them navigate through the dark to find justice!

We stay and fight; it’s the only way I know!

Thanks for the support.

Guy Neighbors.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Black Man FilesLaw Suit Against the Lawrence Kansas Police Department, The City Of Lawrence Kansas For Racial Discrimination

Guy Neighbors, filed his 1st of several civil action against the City Of Lawrence, the Lawrence  Police Chief, and several officers of the court (case # 154921-DDC). Neighbors filed in Federal Court in Topeka, Kansas. All of Neighbors multiple federal cases were dropped without convictions or any trial. Neighbors faced a forced medication order and was unlawfully forced to return to the Federal Medical Facility for "Forced medication", which he appealed from the federal medical facility and won. Neighbors spent 33 months in prison with out ever being convicted of any crime ever in his life.
Neighbors at this point is bringing action for unlawful traffic stops without probable cause in a continued pattern of harassment,and the fact he was forced to go through a trial without a jury, or any of the rights the "Constitution" provides. The federal criminal cases were attached to show a pattern of abuse that span over a period of almost 10 years.
Neighbors was forced to go through a trial without a jury, without the court having jurisdiction, and without any evidence ever being placed on the record.
The Lawrence police officer lied under oath, Officer Wech, testified that he could see the defendant was not wearing his seat belt, however this is what the police officers dash cam picked up. Cab you see if Neighbors has on his seat belt? Can you even see if Neighbors is even the person driving the truck?
Officer Wech testified that he been on the Lawrence Police for the last 20 years, and clearly was aware of the multiple federal criminal cases that had been filed against Mr. Neighbors and that he had beat them all including the prior alleged traffic violation

Harassment? you make the call!
